We are committed to addressing CO2 emissions with the utmost professional integrity. We work with leading experts in carbon accounting methodologies, and have implemented globally renowned ISO certifications and environmental management systems.
Our emissions measurement covers every aspect, from where the aluminum in our hardware production originates to the shipping methods we choose, as well as the management of our fleet's daily operations, including repair and recycling at the end of their life cycle.
Together with our hardware partner, we have developed innovative packaging solutions to make scooter transportation more efficient. Our close collaboration helps us identify and reduce emission-intensive materials in production and find better alternatives. We are also co-developing electric vehicles with leading EV manufacturers for improved efficiency.
By combining these strategic initiatives with our market-leading utilization per scooter, we achieve some of the lowest CO2 emissions per scooter kilometer among our peers.
In collaboration with our partners, we are continually enhancing the endurance and efficiency of our vehicles to ensure longevity.
We power our fleet's batteries exclusively with 100% clean energy, backed by partnerships that ensure accountability for every watt we use.
We have a plan in place for the sustainable recovery of every lithium-ion battery from our vehicles' end-of-life phase.